最新教育理念 英文翻译版本_江南综合体育app下载安装



——作者:杨红燕3.To teach is to learn? (教学相长)——作者:王金珠4.引领学生享用每天的校园生活,提高他们的自学品质!——作者:陈伟凤5.学生教给的文化科学知识转化成能力!——作者:虞静燕6.在等候中聆听,在聆听中对话,在对话中茁壮。——作者:张雁7.教师,就是让每个孩子都充满希望。




——作者:周雪艳15.音乐就像一支魔法棒,我要用它来熄灭每一个孩子的幸福与梦想。——作者:王燕华英文翻译版本:1, required students to observe the behavior of the first to comply with the requirements of the students to master the knowledge of the first master. Author: Chen Wenjia2, as a teacher, we should take education as a business, not to do things. Author: Yang Hongyan3, To teach is to learn (? - Author: Wang Jinzhu Teaching benefits teachers as well as students.)4, guide students to enjoy the daily campus life, improve their learning quality! Author: Chen Weifeng5, the students learn the cultural knowledge into ability! Author: Yu Jingyan6, listen in the waiting, talk in the listening, and grow up in the dialogue. Author: Zhang Yan7, the teacher is to make every child full of hope. Author: Ma Xiwen8, teaching is to do not need to teach. In order not to teach, it means that the teachers should guide them, so that they can learn by themselves, learn their own life, and learn the old. Author: Wang Wenyi9, to be a sun teacher, to become the big tree children can rely on. Author: Xu Haiyan10, education is respect for students, appreciation of students, and achievement of students.。



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